Monday, November 15, 2010


Where has it gone?

I've been in school since 2006. I left Alabama in 2007, took a year off, came to UARTS in 2008 and now I'm graduating in 2011. I feel like I spent all of High School surrounding myself with older people, hoping that by association I could speed my younger years up. Now, I feel like I'm getting older and older without a way to escape or slow it down.

You would think that being 22, I would realize I'm still extremely young and I should focus on that. I just find it difficult because I'm still doing what I've always done, dreaming of what I'll do when I'm old enough. Old enough to have a steady income and exciting job. Old enough to have a healthy relationship and eventually children. Old enough to pay my mom back for the joys she's given me and the sacrifices she's made. I'm unsure of what I'm meant to be doing right now. I don't like to party but should I be going to them because I'm young? I don't especially like walking around cafes and parks, but should I be doing that just because? What are the consequences of not doing these things? Will I wake up in 10 years wishing that I'd lived a younger life?

It might seem like I'm complaining but it's more a post for me to remember. I should enjoy my youth and enjoy my future!